Natural Deodorants with Essential Oils

Over the last several years, I stopped using beauty products that have chemicals in them and that includes deodorants. I have tried natural deodorants that were amazing and I have tried some that were horrible. I make many of my own beauty products now so why not make my own deodorant? I turned to my favorite essential oils books and Dr. Axe’s website for guidance. Oh boy, what took me so long to do this? The options are limitless.

FREE eBook: Essential Oils and Personal Care- Audible eBook and or PDF eBook

I know… you don’t have the time to make your own deodorant. I thought the same thing, until I gave it a try. It took less time to make my own then it did driving to the store, looking at the different options and reading the labels. If you have spent any time looking for a chemical free deodorant than you know, there are not many choices in the stores and everything says “natural” on the label.

Dr. Axe has several deodorant recipes that are great and they are easy to make. When the recipe states: “total time: 4 hours”, that includes the cooling time for a couple of the mixtures. It shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes to actually make the deodorant.

Here is my favorite recipe (not a Dr. Axe one):


  1. One empty 2.65 oz BPA free deodorant container or two smaller ones. I ordered mine from Amazon.
  2. 3 Tbsp coconut oil (solid not liquid). I prefer organic.
  3. 1 Tbsp beeswax pellets (ordered from Amazon when I ordered the deodorant container). I ordered only a small container and I still have a lot left over.
  4. 1/4 c. cornstarch
  5. 1/4 c. baking soda
  6. Vitamin E. You can use the capsules (you will only need one) or you can buy the liquid, you will use 4-6 drops. I found mine at the health food store.
  7. 30-40 drops of essential oils (I used doTERRA essential oils.)

You can use less or more essential oils based on how strong you want your deodorant to smell. This is my favorite part! Time to make your own amazing mixture. Here are some suggestions. Please feel free to share you favorite blends.


  1. Combine the coconut oil and beeswax pellets in a heat-proof glass bowl or glass measuring cup. Using a measuring cup made it easier for pouring the minuter into the deodorant container.
  2. Place your heat proof container in a saucepan filled with about an inch of water. Heat your mixture over medium heat. Stir occasionally until completely melted.
  3. Slowly stir in the cornstarch, baking soda and the vitamin E.
  4. Remove the heat proof container from the water. Add your favorite essential oils and stir.
  5. Quickly pour the mixture into the empty deodorant container/containers.

deoderant 2

Before using, wait several hours for the mixture to cool and setup. I leave my containers on the kitchen counter to cool. Since there are no chemicals in this mixture, the deodorant will be softer than store bought ones. You will need to use very little pressure when you apply. I prefer to wait 2-3 days before I use the deodorants I make.

You can easily search the internet to find the pros and cons of using natural deodorants, the chemicals found in store bought deodorants, how those chemicals affect our overall health and how essential oils improve our overall health; so there is no need for me to try to convince you. I will let you do your research. For me, the chemicals in my daily products were making me very sick and my health is more important.

If you are not sure where to look for reliable information, visit Dr. Axe’s site. He shares a wide range of information.

FREE eBook: Essential Oils and Personal Care- Audible eBook and or PDF eBook

If you don’t currently use essential oils or if you wanting to using doTERRA essential oils please visit my site to get started.

deoderant 3


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AromaTouch Technique Supports the Respiratory System

AromaTouch Technique Supports the Respiratory System

There are many different natural approaches to maintaining a healthy lifestyle these days. Have you heard of or experienced AromaTouch? If your first line of defense is essential oils, then this technique is perfect for you. If you are new to essential oils and are looking for natural approaches to staying healthy, then you are in the right place.

I trained in AromaTouch, June of 2017. My goal is to offer every person I know and meet another option to staying healthy, help with their current symptoms and allow people to experience the amazing health benefits of essential oils.

What is AromaTouch? It is an essential oil technique that uses eight different doTERRA oils which are layered on the back and feet to create a feeling of overall wellness. The essential oils promote stress reduction, healthy immune system, decrease inflammation and balance within the body.

Why is AromaTouch important for the respiratory system? Our respiratory system is very import. Its main purpose is to supply oxygen to our body parts and remove carbon dioxide. If our respiratory system does not work at its optimal level, we have a difficult time breathing which keeps us from feeling our best. Essential oils are a natural alternative to promoting a healthy respiratory system, one that can fight off bacteria and virus.

Who can receive ArmoaTouch? Anybody, even children can receive AromaTouch.

What essential oils are used in AromaTherapy?

doTERRA Balance is used in AromaTouch to promote feelings of calmness, peace and relaxation. When you find yourself having a difficult time breathing, you can be anxious and irritable. If your respiratory condition is chronic, you can feel depressed.

doTERRA On Guard is used in ArmaTouch for its strong abilities to kill harmful bacteria and viruses and boost the immune system. Our respiratory system is susceptible to conditions that are caused by bacteria and viruses such as a cough, the flu, pneumonia and even a sore throat symptoms.

AromaTouch is used in AromaTouch to promote feelings of relaxation, reduce tension within the muscles, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Pneumonia, asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) symptoms are just a few conditions that can cause inflammation and decrease circulation within the respiratory system.

Deep Blue is used in AromaTouch to aid in soothing inflammation and body soreness. The flu and pneumonia symptoms are well known for body soreness. Let’s not forget about that cough that makes our side and stomach muscles sore.

Lavender is used in AromaTouch for its soothing, calming abilities and its anti-inflammatory properties. Allergies and asthma symptoms are known for inflammation within the respiratory system. Insomnia can lead to feelings of anxiousness and irritability.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree) is used in AromaTouch for its cleansing effects. Yes, even within the body. Melaleuca is well known for its abilities to aid with allergies, bronchitis, coughs, flu and ear infection symptoms.

Peppermint is used in AromaTouch for its invigorating and energy qualities. Peppermint also aids with opening the airways which makes it perfect for congestion, allergies and sinusitis symptoms. Peppermint has wonderful expectorant properties (promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs).

Wild orange is used in AromaTouch for its ability to energize and revitalize. When you have a respiratory infection or chronic respiratory conditions, you lack energy. Wild orange aids in decreasing anxiety and is uplifting to the senses. Just like peppermint, wild orange has expectorant properties which is perfect for respiratory conditions.


Do you live in the Tucson, Az area and are ready to incorporate AromaTouch into your life style?

You can contact me:


FREE eBook: Topical Use of Essential Oils- Audible eBook or PDF eBook

AromaTherapy for Insomnia

40 million American experience some type of insomnia annually. Insomnia is difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up early in the morning and unable to go back to sleep. It can be triggered by stress, medications, drug or alcohol use, anxiety, or depression.


  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Lake of energy
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty with tasks, learning, and remembering

Some essential oils have strong sedative properties and are ideal for bedtime routines, promoting relaxation, and restful sleep.

**To maximize these treatments, make sure your sleeping environment is quiet, dark, cool, void of televisions, and electronics.

FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Sleep: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Bedtime Massage

3 ounces of carrier oil (I prefer organic Sunflower Seed Oil)

24 drops Neroli essential oil

12 drops Spikenard essential oil

  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty essential oil bottles), add the carrier oil along with the Neroli and Spikenard essential oils; shake well.
  2. With your fingertips, apply blend to big toes, bottoms of feet, navel, and back of neck.
  3. Apply each night before bedtime until reaching a normal sleep pattern.

foot massage


Bath Oil

1 tablespoon carrier oil

5 drops Lavender essential oil

5 drops Petitgrain essential oil

  1. In a small glass bowl, add the carrier oil along with the Lavender and Petitgrain essential oil: stir.
  2. Draw a warm bath, add all the mixture to the running water.
  3. Soak in the bath for at least 10-15 minutes. Be careful getting out of the bath, it may be slippery due to the oils.
  4. Apply each night before bedtime until reaching a normal sleep pattern.



Serenity Diffuser Blend

Diffuser of your choice

2-3 drops of Serenity essential oil

  1. Fill diffuser with water
  2. Add 2-3 drops of Serenity essential oil
  3. Begin diffusing 30 minutes prior to bed time.
  4. Diffuse each night to promote restful sleep.

This blend of essential oils promote relaxation, restful sleep, lessens feelings of tension, calms emotions, calms the mind, and soothes the senses.

serenity 4


Serenity Restful Complex Softgels

Serenity Restful Complex is a unique combination of Lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts in a vegetarian softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.

Take one to two softgels each night before bed time.

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FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Sleep: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Are you ready to reclaim your sleep? You can order these amazing products directly from my site: doTERRA




Allergies and Essential Oils

An allergy is a damaging immune system response to a substance that does not bother most other people. Common allergies are to food/foods, insect bites, pollen, dust, medicine, pets, and mold. Allergy symptoms vary but common allergic responses include red eyes, itching, swelling, runny nose, asthma attacks, and sneezing.  

FREE Internal use of Essential Oils: Ebook or Audible

Lavender, lemon, and peppermint essential oils ease inflammation while strengthening the immune system to make allergies less problematic.

There are three easy allergy treatments using lavender, lemon, and peppermint you can use on a daily basis to treat your allergies.


Nasal Spray

4 ounces of purified water

10 drops lavender essential oils

10 drops lemon essential oils

10 drops peppermint essential oils

  1. In a nasal spray bottle, add the water along with the lavender, lemon, and peppermint essential oils. Shake well to blend.
  2. Use one spray in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.

nasal spray bottles


Nasal Mixture for Neti Pot

3 ounces warm purified water

¼ teaspoon fine salt

1 drops lavender essential oils

1 drops lemon essential oils

1 drops peppermint essential oils

**Note: do not leave essential oils in these containers. When finished with the nasal flush, dump the remaining mixture out.

  1. In a Neti pot, add water and salt
  2. Add the lavender, lemon, and peppermint essential oils to salt water, and stir to combine.
  3. Using the Neti pot, perform nasal irrigation, then gently blow your nose.
  4. Repeat treatment up to 3 times a day.


FREE Internal use of Essential Oils: Ebook or Audible


TriEase- Seasonal Blend Softgels

TriEase can be consumed quickly and easily when traveling, attending outdoor events, or when seasonal or environmental elements are particularly high.

These were developed to protect against seasonal and environmental elements and to promote a healthy respiratory system when needed most. Each softgel contains equal parts of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils, known for their ability to maintain clear breathing and a healthy immune response when combined together.

Take 1–2 per day as needed.



Are you ready to take control of your allergies naturally?

You can order these amazing products directly from my site: doTERRA

Bronchitis and Essential Oils

Bronchitis  is an inflammatory disease that affects the respiratory system which causes inflammation in the bronchial tubes causing excess mucus and coughing. Acute bronchitis is normally caused by a virus and may accompany an upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold or the flu. Bronchitis can also occur when liquid for food are aspirated in the lungs or after exposure to irritants such as heavy smoke or chemicals.

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.



As soon as the symptoms begin, start defusing eucalyptus essential oil. Eucalyptus has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It helps ease coughing, acts as a decongestant and expectorant, and acts as fever reducer.







Remember the chest rub our Mom’s and Grandmother’s would put on our chests as kids when we were sick? It is still a wonderful way to help sooth inflamed airways, break up the mucus, and help the bronchitis from getting worse.

Eucalyptus and Lavender Chest Rub

  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty bottles my oils come in) add the carrier oil along with the three above essential oils, place lid on bottle, and shake.
  2.  Add a few drops to the palm of your hand and rub over the chest area and back.
  3. Apply this rub every couple of hours as needed until symptoms subside.


Eucalyptus essential oil is a powerful medicine. This inexpensive extract is effective against bacteria and viruses. It can be found in over the counter modern medicines including cough drops, mouthwashes, and antifungal body powders.


Are you ready to add essential oils to your bronchitis regimen?

There are two different ways to order doTERRA essential oils: individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Below are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25


doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.

Asthma and Essential Oils

Asthma is a condition in which narrowed, swollen airways, and the production of excess mucus make breathing difficult. During an asthma attack, a sufferer may experience wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, along with tightening of the chest that can lead to panic.

Asthma can be triggered by allergens and it is very important to reduce these triggers at home, at work, and everywhere you can. Dust mites, cockroaches, indoor/outdoor mold, pollen, stress, cleaning supplies, beauty products, and pet dander are among the most common asthma triggers.

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.

If you have asthma, you may find yourself sensitive to strong odors and chemicals in the air. If possible, avoid wood- burning stoves, kerosene heaters, and fireplaces. Try to stay away from strong odors and sprays, such as perfumes, hair spray, and paints. Ask your family members and friends to limit their use of perfumed products when they are around you.

It is important not to smoke and to avoid exposure to second hand smoke when you have asthma. Cigarette smoke irritates the airways which can cause bronchospasms. Smoking may also permanently damage your airways. To reduce your exposure to smoke, stop smoking if you do, and ask people not to smoke around you. Read my blog post: Smoking Recovery with Essential Oils, to learn how essential oils can help support you with your decision of stop smoking.

Common colds, respiratory infections, food sensitivities, weather, and stress are also asthma triggers. Try using a lavender essential oil steam treatment to help relax lung spasms, open the airways, and reduce the panic feeling that often accompanies an asthma attack. Lavender is the only essential oil recommended for use during an asthma attack.

Lavender Steam Treatment

  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 3-5 drop of lavender essential oil

1. In a large, shallow glass bowl add hot water and the essential oils and stir to combine.

2. Tent your head with a towel over the bowl and breathe deeply for several minutes, emerging for fresh air when needed.

3. Mix lavender oil with a carrier oil and apply to the soles of your foot help with relieving tension.

4. Repeat the steam treatment through out the day as needed.

steam treatment

In between the lavender steam treatment and at bedtime, use this chest rub to encourage deep breathing and help the chest to expand. Peppermint essential oil is a strong decongestant that can help prevent asthma attacks. This rub is an excellent way to sooth cold and flu symptoms.

Chest Rub

  • 2 ounces carrier oil (I use grapeseed oil)
  • 12 drops lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops geranium essential oil
  • 4 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops marjoram essential oil

1.  In a 15ml dark-colored glass bottle, add the carrier oil along with the essential oils, and shake to blend. (I reuse my empty essential oil bottles for my rubs and make my own labels.)

2. Add a few drops of the mixture to the palm of your hand, apply to your chest, and massage in.

3. Repeat in between the lavender steam treatment and at bedtime. Store bottle in a cool, dark place between uses.


Are you ready to add essential oils to your asthma regimen?

There are two different ways to order doTERRA essential oils: individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Below are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25


doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.

Let’s Talk About The Importance Of Rest

People don’t get enough sleep. If they did, they wouldn’t sleep on the train or bus during their commute. Hopefully, people who drive to work don’t attempt the same, although sometimes people do fall asleep at the wheel.

FREE eBook Essential Oils and Sleep: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Rest is similar to sleep. You need to get enough sleep. This will help you feel refreshed. However, rest can be extended to include taking a break, even when you are awake. For instance, you probably have heard personal trainers say take a rest, although they don’t do this as often as we’d like.

Sometimes, getting rest can be as simple as watching television, reading a book or Yoga with essential oils. Your mind is busy with the day’s events and unwinding can be attributed to your rest.

Substances such as alcohol and drugs can interrupt your rest. For instance, if you drink more than two drinks of alcohol, you may fall asleep faster but you will wake up in the middle of the night. It will be more difficult to get back to sleep because you were in such a deep sleep. Drugs alter sleep and rest patterns as well. When you abuse drugs, you are putting your body on a roller-coaster ride which disrupts your normal routine. There is a natural alternative to help you rest/sleep. dōTERRA Serenity Restful Complex is a unique combination of Lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts in a vegetarian softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.

Your diet can mess with your ability to rest as well. If you constantly eat spicy foods or the wrong types of foods, your stomach will experience distress. It’s quite difficult to get any rest when this happens. You may take DigestZen Softgels Digestive Blend to alleviate the distress, ultimately you want to have the best diet possible for you body.

Rest and sleep are both ways to recharge your mind and your body. Without it, you will be irritable and you could be putting your health in danger.

Do you have a hard time resting? If you are like me, the answer will be yes. AromaTherapy can be an amazing tool to help you rest even if it’s only for five minutes. AromaTherapy is the use of essential oils to affect or alter a person’s mood or behavior. You can experience AromaTherapy two different ways: add essential oils to a diffuser or place essential oils directly to the skin with a carrier oil.

Here is a great list of doTERRA essential oils to help you get started:

Focus Blend
Ylang Ylang
Restful Blend

FREE eBook Essential Oils and Sleep: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

CPAP/BIPAP AromaTherapy

How many nights a week do you struggle with sleep even with using your CPAP/BIPAP? Good sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is a regular period in which the body suspends conscious motor and sensory activity. Sleep plays a role in restoring and healing the body. Forty-five percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affects their daily activities. Twenty percent of Americans report they do not wake up feeling refreshed.

FREE Essential Oils and Sleep eBook: Audible eBook and PDF eBook

Restless nights can be emotionally and physically stressful. It can make you feel as though you are walking through a fog and your brain is in slow motion. You do not have to feel this way, there is a better way to wake up and function!

The use of a in-line essential oil CPAP/BIPAP diffuser and natural sleeping aids like doTERRA essential oils can support a healthy sleep hygiene.

The CPAP/BIPAP diffuser provides a simple and effective way to receive therapeutic benefits from doTERRA essential oils while you sleep!  Apply 2-3 drops of doTERRA essential oils to the infusion pad, insert the pad into the diffuser, and connect the diffuser to your CPAP/BIPAP mask and tubing. Once you turn your CPAP/BIPAP on, the air passes over the pad providing you with the benefits of AromaTherapy while you sleep.

**Note, essential oils should never be added directly to the water chamber or filters that are used for your CPAP/BIPAP. These items are not made for the use of essentials oils.

Try using doTERRA essential oils like Lavender and Bergamot since they are rich in linalool and linalyl acetate. These are compounds well-known for their relaxing properties. Adding these essential oils to the in-line diffuser will aid in creating a calming and peaceful environment. They calm the nervous system, promote relaxation, and lead to a restful sleep. Here are additional essential oils for sleep and relaxation: Vetiver, Serenity Calming Blend,  Roman Chamomile and Breathe.

Good sleep is important to a healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep can be harmful to the body and decrease quality of life. Eating healthy, regular exercise, reducing stress, and getting enough sunlight daily contribute to a good night’s rest. However, sometimes we need some extra help unwinding and relaxing the body at the end of the day. Click HERE to watch a doTERRA sleep video. You will learn about additional doTERRA products designed to improve your sleep hygiene.


Are you ready to begin your CPAP/BIPAP AromaTherapy journey?

There are two different ways: order the essential oils individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Here are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

FREE Essential Oils and Sleep eBook: Audible eBook and PDF eBook