AromaTherapy for Insomnia

40 million American experience some type of insomnia annually. Insomnia is difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up early in the morning and unable to go back to sleep. It can be triggered by stress, medications, drug or alcohol use, anxiety, or depression.


  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Lake of energy
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty with tasks, learning, and remembering

Some essential oils have strong sedative properties and are ideal for bedtime routines, promoting relaxation, and restful sleep.

**To maximize these treatments, make sure your sleeping environment is quiet, dark, cool, void of televisions, and electronics.

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Bedtime Massage

3 ounces of carrier oil (I prefer organic Sunflower Seed Oil)

24 drops Neroli essential oil

12 drops Spikenard essential oil

  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty essential oil bottles), add the carrier oil along with the Neroli and Spikenard essential oils; shake well.
  2. With your fingertips, apply blend to big toes, bottoms of feet, navel, and back of neck.
  3. Apply each night before bedtime until reaching a normal sleep pattern.

foot massage


Bath Oil

1 tablespoon carrier oil

5 drops Lavender essential oil

5 drops Petitgrain essential oil

  1. In a small glass bowl, add the carrier oil along with the Lavender and Petitgrain essential oil: stir.
  2. Draw a warm bath, add all the mixture to the running water.
  3. Soak in the bath for at least 10-15 minutes. Be careful getting out of the bath, it may be slippery due to the oils.
  4. Apply each night before bedtime until reaching a normal sleep pattern.



Serenity Diffuser Blend

Diffuser of your choice

2-3 drops of Serenity essential oil

  1. Fill diffuser with water
  2. Add 2-3 drops of Serenity essential oil
  3. Begin diffusing 30 minutes prior to bed time.
  4. Diffuse each night to promote restful sleep.

This blend of essential oils promote relaxation, restful sleep, lessens feelings of tension, calms emotions, calms the mind, and soothes the senses.

serenity 4


Serenity Restful Complex Softgels

Serenity Restful Complex is a unique combination of Lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts in a vegetarian softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.

Take one to two softgels each night before bed time.

serenity 3


FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Sleep: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Are you ready to reclaim your sleep? You can order these amazing products directly from my site: doTERRA




Waking Up with Low Energy?

If you find yourself waking up in the mornings with incredibly low energy levels then you’re not alone. This is how many of us feel first thing in the morning and it’s what encourages so many of us to just crawl back under the covers instead of springing out of bed in order to get productive.

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Some people though will find that they feel much worse than others in the morning and this can be a real problem when you have lots to get done. If you’re waking up and not feeling refreshed then it’s important to find out why and to do something about it.


One reason we often feel rough in the morning is actually that we’re dehydrated. This is a long time for our bodies to go without food or drink and as such it’s easy to wake up with a dry throat and headache. Gulping down a few glasses of water before bed is a great way to circumvent this problem and if it’s really bad you can even consider eating some Chia Seeds which are great for keeping you hydrated.

Low Blood Sugar

Likewise, it might be that you actually have low blood sugar for the same reasons. If you wake up in the morning and you feel sick and shaky, consider that you might need to eat a little more food – especially sweet food – before bed. Some people even suggest that this is the reason we’ve evolved in order to crave sweet things after we’ve eaten savory.

If you do not like to eat right before bed, try using doTERRA Cinnamon essential oil to aid in balancing blood sugar levels. doTERRA’s Cinnamon essential oil is safe to take internally, use in a diffuser while you sleep and or use topically.


Sleep apnea is a condition that causes you to wake up repeatedly in the night because you’re stopping breathing. The problem is that most people wake so briefly that they actually have no recollection of doing so at all and thus they never realize they have a problem. Ask your partner to watch you sleep and if you have an issue, see a doctor about a CPAP machine.

Even with a CPAP machine, people find themselves struggling with getting a good nights sleep. Incorporate doTERRA’s Serenity Restful Complex Softgels into your nightly bed routine. This is a unique combination of Lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts in a vegetarian softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.


Depression can also often cause you to not want to get out of bed – and our energy levels and moods are very tightly linked. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can cause depression-like symptoms in the winter. What’s more, antidepressants such as Barbiturates list ‘difficulty waking up’ as one of their potential side effects.

Here is a safer and effective way to help with depression symptoms. Try using dōTERRA’s Motivate Encouraging Blend when setbacks, disappointments, or a lack of inspiration weigh you down. This amazing blend helps plant positivity within you while melting away cynicism and doubt.


Finally, if you have a very scratchy throat in the morning and it’s not dehydration, it might be an allergy. Try sleeping with the window closed and see if that helps.

Add a Petal diffuser next to your bed while you are sleeping with a couple drops of dōTERRA’s Breathe Respiratory Blend. This popular blend maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats, calms the senses and promotes a restful sleep.

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