AromaTouch Technique Supports the Respiratory System

AromaTouch Technique Supports the Respiratory System

There are many different natural approaches to maintaining a healthy lifestyle these days. Have you heard of or experienced AromaTouch? If your first line of defense is essential oils, then this technique is perfect for you. If you are new to essential oils and are looking for natural approaches to staying healthy, then you are in the right place.

I trained in AromaTouch, June of 2017. My goal is to offer every person I know and meet another option to staying healthy, help with their current symptoms and allow people to experience the amazing health benefits of essential oils.

What is AromaTouch? It is an essential oil technique that uses eight different doTERRA oils which are layered on the back and feet to create a feeling of overall wellness. The essential oils promote stress reduction, healthy immune system, decrease inflammation and balance within the body.

Why is AromaTouch important for the respiratory system? Our respiratory system is very import. Its main purpose is to supply oxygen to our body parts and remove carbon dioxide. If our respiratory system does not work at its optimal level, we have a difficult time breathing which keeps us from feeling our best. Essential oils are a natural alternative to promoting a healthy respiratory system, one that can fight off bacteria and virus.

Who can receive ArmoaTouch? Anybody, even children can receive AromaTouch.

What essential oils are used in AromaTherapy?

doTERRA Balance is used in AromaTouch to promote feelings of calmness, peace and relaxation. When you find yourself having a difficult time breathing, you can be anxious and irritable. If your respiratory condition is chronic, you can feel depressed.

doTERRA On Guard is used in ArmaTouch for its strong abilities to kill harmful bacteria and viruses and boost the immune system. Our respiratory system is susceptible to conditions that are caused by bacteria and viruses such as a cough, the flu, pneumonia and even a sore throat symptoms.

AromaTouch is used in AromaTouch to promote feelings of relaxation, reduce tension within the muscles, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Pneumonia, asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) symptoms are just a few conditions that can cause inflammation and decrease circulation within the respiratory system.

Deep Blue is used in AromaTouch to aid in soothing inflammation and body soreness. The flu and pneumonia symptoms are well known for body soreness. Let’s not forget about that cough that makes our side and stomach muscles sore.

Lavender is used in AromaTouch for its soothing, calming abilities and its anti-inflammatory properties. Allergies and asthma symptoms are known for inflammation within the respiratory system. Insomnia can lead to feelings of anxiousness and irritability.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree) is used in AromaTouch for its cleansing effects. Yes, even within the body. Melaleuca is well known for its abilities to aid with allergies, bronchitis, coughs, flu and ear infection symptoms.

Peppermint is used in AromaTouch for its invigorating and energy qualities. Peppermint also aids with opening the airways which makes it perfect for congestion, allergies and sinusitis symptoms. Peppermint has wonderful expectorant properties (promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs).

Wild orange is used in AromaTouch for its ability to energize and revitalize. When you have a respiratory infection or chronic respiratory conditions, you lack energy. Wild orange aids in decreasing anxiety and is uplifting to the senses. Just like peppermint, wild orange has expectorant properties which is perfect for respiratory conditions.


Do you live in the Tucson, Az area and are ready to incorporate AromaTouch into your life style?

You can contact me:


FREE eBook: Topical Use of Essential Oils- Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Alleviate Congestion Naturally with Essential Oils

Congestion occurs when there is a blockage in the nasal passages, sinuses, or upper respiratory tract (chest). This blockage is caused by inflamed tissues and blood vessels due to increased mucus production.

FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners: Audible eBook or PDF eBook

Symptoms of congestion:

  • Stuffiness
  • Nasal discharge
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness

Causes of congestion:

  • Exposure to cold temperatures
  • Allergies/allergens (food, pet hair, milk, medication, smoke, dust etc.)
  • Fragrances (perfumes, colones, air freshers, laundry soap, fabric softeners)
  • Household cleaners
  • Cigarette smoke/smoking
  • Common cold/Influenza

Congestion usually responds to essential oil treatments because many of them have anti-inflammatory and expectorant (loosens and clears mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract) properties.

There are three different methods of application that can be used to treat congestion with essential oils.

  • Steam treatment
  • Chest/back rub
  • Diffusing

Here are my favorite essential oils for the symptoms of congestion:


Congestion Steam Treatment (my favorite for immediate relief)

  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 2 drops Rosemary
  • 2 drops Cardamom
  • 1 drop Peppermint
  • 1 drop Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
  • 1 drop Frankincense
  1. In a glass bowl, add the hot water along with the above essential oils and stir.
  2. Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
  3. With a towel, make a tent over your head and bowl with hot water.
  4. Breathe in the aroma for about 5-10 minutes.
  5. Repeat the treatment every 2-3 hours as needed.

Have Kleenex handy!

steam treatment


Congestion Chest Rub

  • 2 ounces carrier oil ( I use organic Grapeseed or Sunflower Seed oil)
  • 4 drops Eucalyptus
  • 2 drops Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
  • 2 drops Rosemary
  • 1 drop Marjoram
  • 1 drop Frankincense
  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty oil bottles), combine the carrier oil and essential oils, shake to blend.
  2. Add several drops to the palm of your hand and rub on your chest and back.
  3. Repeat several times a day as needed.
  4. Store in a cool, dry place.


Congestion Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus
  • 2 drops Peppermint
  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Myrrh

Fill your diffuser with water as directed by the manufacture and then add the essential oils. Place in the room where you spend the most time. Diffuse in the morning and at bedtime.



Are you ready to take control of your congestion symptoms naturally?

You can order these amazing essential oils directly from my site: doTERRA

FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners: Audible eBook or PDF eBook


Nasal Polyps and Essential Oils

Nasal polyps are teardrop-shaped growths that form in the nose and or sinus. They are often accompanied by asthma or allergies. Small nasal polyps normally go unnoticed while the larger ones tend to block sinus drainage. They are usually found around the area where the sinuses open into the nasal cavity.

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.

Common symptoms:

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Postnasal drip
  • Decrease sense of smell
  • Decrease sense of taste
  • Sinus infections/chronic sinusitis
  • Sensitivity to fumes, odors, dusts, and chemicals
  • Snoring
  • Facial pain/headache
  • Persistent congestion


-Frankincense has the ability to stop bacteria which makes it ideal for nasal polyps. -Melaleuca (Tea Tree) also has the ability to stop bacteria while helping to shrink the polyp and heal inflamed tissue around the polyps.


Neat treatment: neat means using the essential oil without a carrier oil.

  • Place one drop of Frankincense and Melaleuca on a cotton swab
  • Apply directly to the polyp
  • Repeat twice a day


Nasal irrigation/sinus rinse

  • Use a NetiPot or any other sinus rinse device
  • Add 1-2 drops of Frankincense and Melaleuca to your device with enough distilled water for the rinse
  • Irrigate your sinuses as directed in your device instructions
  • Dispose of the left over mixture. I do not recommend letting any left over essential oil mixture sit in the rinsing device if it is plastic.
  • Repeat twice a day


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Are you ready to add essential oils to add essential oils to your sinus hygiene regimen?

There are two different ways to order doTERRA essential oils: individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Below are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25


doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

Influenza and Essential Oils

Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your sinuses, throat and lungs. Symptoms are much like those of the common cold, are often followed by aches, chills, and fever. Influenza sits in faster and harder than a cold does. Typically begins with the run-down feeling whereas a cold usually begins with a sore throat and or runny nose.


Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.

Common signs and symptoms of influenza include:

  • Fever over 100.4 F (38 C)
  • Aching muscles, especially in your back, arms and legs
  • Chills and sweats
  • Headache
  • Dry, persistent cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea

Many of the same antiviral essential oils that work for cold symptoms are equally effective against influenza by boosting the immune system and keeping the virus from growing out of control. The faster you take action, the less severe your symptoms, the faster you’ll feel better.

Here are my favorite essential oils for the symptoms of influenza:


Flu Bath Treatment

  • 1 tablespoon carrier oil
  • 2 drops melaleuca
  • 2 drops marjoram
  • 1 drop basil
  1. In a glass bowl, combine the carrier oil and essential oils, stir.
  2. Draw a hot bath and add the mixture to the running water.
  3. Soak for at least 15 minutes. The bathtub maybe slippery, use caution when getting out.
  4. Repeat as needed until symptoms subside.


Flu Chest Rub

  • 2 ounces carrier oil
  • 3 drops eucalyptus
  • 1 drop lemongrass
  • 1 drop oregano
  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty oil bottles), combine the carrier oil and essential oils, shake to blend.
  2. Add several drops to the palm of your hand and rub on your chest.
  3. Repeat several times a day as needed.
  4. Store in a cool, dry place.



  • 2-3 drops eucalyptus
  • Place in the room where you spend the most time.

Eucalyptus can help stop the spread of viruses when diffused. It also aids in reducing inflammation and discomfort in influenza sufferers.



Are you ready to use essential oils to help relieve your influenza symptoms?


There are two different ways to order doTERRA essential oils: individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Below are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25


doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.


Bronchitis and Essential Oils

Bronchitis  is an inflammatory disease that affects the respiratory system which causes inflammation in the bronchial tubes causing excess mucus and coughing. Acute bronchitis is normally caused by a virus and may accompany an upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold or the flu. Bronchitis can also occur when liquid for food are aspirated in the lungs or after exposure to irritants such as heavy smoke or chemicals.

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As soon as the symptoms begin, start defusing eucalyptus essential oil. Eucalyptus has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It helps ease coughing, acts as a decongestant and expectorant, and acts as fever reducer.







Remember the chest rub our Mom’s and Grandmother’s would put on our chests as kids when we were sick? It is still a wonderful way to help sooth inflamed airways, break up the mucus, and help the bronchitis from getting worse.

Eucalyptus and Lavender Chest Rub

  1. In a dark-colored glass bottle (I reuse my empty bottles my oils come in) add the carrier oil along with the three above essential oils, place lid on bottle, and shake.
  2.  Add a few drops to the palm of your hand and rub over the chest area and back.
  3. Apply this rub every couple of hours as needed until symptoms subside.


Eucalyptus essential oil is a powerful medicine. This inexpensive extract is effective against bacteria and viruses. It can be found in over the counter modern medicines including cough drops, mouthwashes, and antifungal body powders.


Are you ready to add essential oils to your bronchitis regimen?

There are two different ways to order doTERRA essential oils: individually or in a starter kit.

A starter kit is the most economical way. Below are my two favorite starter kits.

doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Home Essentials Kit

This kit includes 9 full size (15ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, and On Guard.

1- 5ml bottle: Deep Blue

Petal Diffuser

Part Number: 41180001
Wholesale: $275.00
Savings: $86.25


doTerra Kits & Product Mockups
Family Essentials Kit

This kit includes 10 sample size (5ml) essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Breathe, DigestZen, On Guard and Deep Blue.

1- Peppermint Beadlets,

1- doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

Part Number: 60200540
Wholesale: $150.00
Savings: $37.00

Sign up for my email subscription and receive a FREE Essential Oils Ebook for Beginners.